It is possible to showcase your staff's skills and credentials on your organisation profile page. This is a way to further demonstrate your capability and show how you are committed to investing in the people within your organisation.
The organisation profile page only shows the certification scheme in which certificates have been awarded to your staff. The actual certificates or the holders (staff members) are not shown. This is so that your staff are not poached or head-hunted by way of you showcasing credentials.
On the organisation settings page, press the 'Staff certification settings' button to reach the following page:
The list will show all the certification schemes that one or more of your staff have active (i.e. not suspended, revoked, pending or expired) publicly viewable certificates in.
You can make the list of available certification schemes longer by adding more staff in your 'Organisation accounts' area. The staff have to have joined the organisation, so they can't be pending. You can also encourage staff to make more of their certificates public.
Not all personal certificates will be relevant to your organisation, so you can view the scheme by pressing the appropriate button in the list to check any scheme details you are unsure about. Tick the boxes in the list for those that you would like displayed.
When you press submit, you are taken to the organisation profile page so that you can check it appears as desired.
If a staff member's certificate is later made private, is no longer active (for example it expires), or you dismiss a staff member from your organisation accounts list because they have left the organisation, the listed certification schemes and those displayed on your organisation profile will automatically change to reflect the situation.