To customise how certificates appear in a printable format, you can upload a Microsoft Word, Open Office or similar .docx file with a border, background image, text, other images or logos, etc as per your own design and branding requirements.
Write special tags in places within the document to indicate where you want the specific certificate data to be automatically inserted at the time of issue.
The tags that are available are:
The font size, chosen font, font colour, etc. used for the tags will define the format of the data displayed. However, avoid changing the formatting within a single tag as these will not be rendered properly.
Misspelling a {{ tag }} may lead to an error. This should be detected when you upload the docx file, but could arise later if you edit a custom field without changing the docx file appropriately.
Finally, there are special placeholders that you can use in your document to indicate where graphical elements relating to the certification scheme will be displayed (for example QR codes, issuer logo, custom images (if applicable to your scheme), etc). These placeholders can be saved to your desktop by right-clicking on the image displayed on the platform's page for uploading the docx file. If you have one or more custom image fields in your scheme, assoicated custom image placeholders will also be made available on the collection. The placeholders can then be inserted into your document, and resized as appropriate.
The placeholders define the size available on your pdf in which the image can be displayed. You can change the aspect ratio of the placeholder to indicate the maximum height and width extents. When the image is substituted in, its aspect ratio will be preserved, but it will be scaled to fit at least the maximum height or the maximum width as set by the placeholder.
Inserting these placeholders inside text boxes may prevent them from working properly.